mhmc new oxygen plant ribbon cutting ceremony

Millennium Height Medical Complex proudly announces the successful commissioning of its cutting-edge oxygen plant on Friday, 15th December 2023. This milestone represents a significant advancement, reinforcing the healthcare facility’s autonomy and resilience in the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare challenges.

The newly inaugurated oxygen plant exhibits an impressive production capacity of 52 bottles per day, surpassing the daily requirements of the OKEU hospital by an outstanding margin of 22 bottles. This surplus capacity not only fortifies the facility’s ability to meet current demands but positions it as a pivotal contributor to potential national healthcare needs.

This groundbreaking achievement is the result of collaborative efforts, with the Ministry of Health providing financial support under its World Bank-financed Health Systems Strengthening Project (HSSP). This initiative aligns with the broader goal of enhancing healthcare infrastructure and ensuring a reliable supply of life-saving resources.

The construction of the oxygen plant facility was made possible through the CEO initiative, securing generous financing from the Maria Holder Memorial Trust. This philanthropic contribution underscores the importance of public-private partnerships in advancing healthcare initiatives and emphasizes the trust’s commitment to fostering sustainable healthcare solutions.

Mrs. Joanna Reynold Arthurton, Chairperson of the Board of Directors at Millennium Height Medical Complex, expressed gratitude for the collective efforts that brought this project to fruition. “The commissioning of our own oxygen plant is a testament to our commitment to providing exceptional healthcare services. We extend our sincere thanks to the Ministry of Health and the Maria Holder Memorial Trust for their unwavering support in making this crucial facility a reality.”

The Millennium Height Medical Complex remains steadfast in its dedication to elevating healthcare standards, and the addition of the oxygen plant is a significant stride toward achieving this mission. The facility is poised to play a pivotal role in contributing to the well-being of the community and advancing healthcare infrastructure on a national scale. Dr. Dexter James, CEO, expressed gratitude to Windward Island Gases Limited for their support provided to OKEU Hospital during COVID and the past three years. Looking ahead, he noted that the cost savings realized will be directed towards settling the debit owed to Windward Island Gases Ltd.

Dr. Dexter James provided insights into the journey leading to the establishment of the oxygen plant, highlighting the collaborative efforts with the Ministry of Health and the successful fundraising from the Maria Holder Memorial Trust.

Dr. James acknowledged the construction achievements and expressed gratitude to HL Construction Limited for their commendable work in completing the oxygen housing within budget and on time. He also recognized the pivotal role of Windward Island Gases Limited in supporting the hospital’s oxygen needs during the challenging times of the COVID pandemic.