mhmc american heart association service

Millennium Heights Medical Complex (MHMC) proudly announces its status as a certified American Heart Association (AHA) Training Centre, reaffirming its dedication to advancing emergency cardiac care (ECC) programs and services in the region.

As an AHA-certified Training Centre for the past two years, MHMC maintains equipment and training standards aligned with AHA guidelines. Our certified instructors, who are integral members of the MHMC medical team and other medical facilities in St. Lucia, bring their expertise to the forefront. Additionally, MHMC is equipped to establish training sites throughout the region.

The primary objective of ECC training at MHMC is to provide high-quality CPR to save lives.

Our AHA-certified ECC programs encompass:

Basic Life Support (BLS):

Effective chest compression techniques,

Use of bag-mask devices,

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) operation,

Recognition and management of cardiac arrest symptoms,

Choking management for adults, children, and infants,

Target Audience: Medical professionals or individuals with the capacity to undergo the program.

Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS):

Recognition and early management of respiratory and cardiac arrest,

Airway management,

Recognition and management of dysrhythmias,

Recognition and management of Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS),

Recognition and management of Stroke,

Effective communication as a leader or member of a resuscitation team,

Target Audience: Medical professionals only.

Heart Saver-First Aid, CPR, AED, and Heart Saver CPR AED:

Recognizing when someone requires CPR.

Activating the Emergency Response System (911),

Performing high-quality CPR for adults, children, and infants,

Providing care for choking victims,

Using an Automated External Defibrillator,

Target Audience: Anyone with limited or no medical training.

Family and Friends CPR:

Hands-Only CPR for adults,

Hands-Only CPR with breaths for adults,

Using an AED,

No certification required,

Target Audience: Anyone with limited or no medical training.

Benefits of ECC certification include empowering individuals, both medical and non-medical, with essential knowledge and skills to respond to life-threatening situations, improving the quality of care in healthcare institutions, reducing liabilities, and enhancing workplace safety awareness.

MHMC aims to make ECC certification accessible to the St. Lucian public by offering affordable programs. In the next two years, we would like to see 50%-60% of St. Lucians obtaining ECC certification and having access to an AED. MHMC’s management is committed to this cause and will supply AEDs at reduced cost along with a preventative maintenance package. Remember, the life saved could be yours. Join us in this life-saving mission.