
Your Questions, Our Answers

Unfortunately, MHMC does not offer any magnetic resonance imaging services currently. Learn more
about our Radiology Department and our list of services.

Our patient services coordinators will be happy to help you follow up on your appointment.

Please call:
Outpatient clinic – 458-6601/6614
Day surgery – 458-6672
Elective surgery – 458-6671
Radiology – 458-6631
Front Desk –

First you may wish to visit our vacancies page, and apply via our online portal. You may email your application and resume to careers@mhmc.lc and address your cover letter to:

Senior Manager – Human Resources
Millennium Heights Medical Complex
Millennium Highway
Castries, St. Lucia

The arrival of your new son or daughter is a time of excitement and joy. It is often also a hectic time, so it can be hard to remember to pack everything that you will need at the Millennium Heights Medical Complex’s OKEU Hospital.

About a month before your baby’s due date, make sure you have the items below. Pack as many beforehand as you can. Use this checklist as a guide to get organized for the big event.

Items for Mom

The hospital will supply you with a gown, slippers, disposable underwear, and basic toiletries. While it is nice to have your own clothes with you, labor and the first few days postpartum are most often a very messy time, so you may not want to wear your brand-new lingerie. Items you should bring:

  • Nightgown and bathrobe
  • Slippers
  • Bra and nursing bra
  • Breast pads
  • Socks (several pair)
  • Underwear (several pair)
  • Hair ties (scrunchies)
  • Toiletries: may include but not limited to- toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, lip balm, lotion, and deodorant
  • Comfortable and loose fitting clothing to wear home

Items for Baby

Items to bring for the new baby:

  • Going home outfit for baby.
  • Receiving blanket.
  • Warm clothing to wear home and a heavy bunting or blanket (if the weather is cold).
  • Baby socks.
  • Baby hat (such as for cold weather climates).
  • Baby car seat.

Owen King EU Hospital

Monday – Friday: 6:00am – 7:00am, 12:00pm – 1:00pm, 5:00pm – 7:00pm

Weekends & Holidays: 3:00pm – 5:00pm

National Mental Wellness Centre

Monday – Friday: 3:00pm – 5:00pm

Secondary Care Centre (Victoria Hospital)

Monday – Friday: 6:00am – 7:00am, 12:00pm – 1:00pm, 5:00pm – 7:00pm

Weekends & Holidays: 3:00pm – 5:00pm

  • Phone: 458-6739 or 458-6740
  • Email: ell.covid19@mhmc.lc

Treatments and procedures may include lab work, radiological studies, CAT scans, ultrasound, EKG for cardiac review, medication administration and physician evaluations.

All patients are first triaged by an A & E nurse and/or EMT-Emergency Medical Technicians. Then patients are evaluated by a physician. Patients who have a higher acuity of illness (i.e. stabbing, heart attack or stroke) may be treated before those patients with less severe conditions (laceration, sprained ankle, etc.). We advise for less severe cases please visit the polyclinic or community Health and Wellness Centres. Your continued patience is always appreciated.

Patients can eat after all their tests are completed and the physician has evaluated the results. On average, it is within three to four hours. However, it is sometimes necessary for patients to remain at aforementioned stage until further tests and/or studies are completed.

Because pain medication can mask important clues to your medical condition, it may not be given until tests are completed and the physician has evaluated the results. However, treatment for pain is important so please let your nurse, or EMT or physician know when you are experiencing pain or if there is no relief from the medication that was prescribed. You will be asked to rate your pain throughout your stay in our department and, if admitted, on our medical floors.

You may visit our contact page, call into our numbers or email for confirmation of appointment.

You may donate via Millennium Heights Medical Complex’s Ezra Long Laboratory and/or the Mobile Blood Bank. 

  • Phone: 458-6739 or 458-6740
  • Email: ell.covid19@mhmc.lc