
Where Comfort and Care Converge

Millennium Heights Medical Complex (MHMC) comprises of Owen King EU Hospital (OKEUH), National Mental Wellness Centre, Turning Point Rehabilitation Centre, and Secondary Care Hospital.

Owen King EU Hospital

Visiting Hours
Monday - Friday
6am – 7am
12pm – 1pm
5pm – 7pm
Weekends & Holidays
3pm – 5pm

National Mental Wellness Centre

Visiting Hours
Monday - Friday
3pm – 5pm

Turning Point Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre

Contact Information

Turning Point is the only drug treatment centre in Saint Lucia and serves the population from the age of 13 years and up. The centre serves both women and men from Saint Lucia as well as clients from the wider Caribbean region. 

Secondary Care Hospital

Visiting Hours
Monday - Friday

6am – 7am
12pm – 1pm
5pm – 7pm

Weekends & Holidays
3pm – 5pm