
Rights & Responsibilities

At Millennium Heights Medical Complex, we prioritize patient empowerment and open communication, offering care without discrimination based on various factors, and ensuring all patients are well-informed and actively involved in their treatment decisions.

As a patient, you are ENTITLED to:
  • Be listened to, responded to, and treated with dignity and respect.

  • Provide feedback about your care and share your concerns and grievances.

  • Have your personal health information kept safe and confidential.

  • Information to help you understand your medical condition.

  • Know the names, profession, and duties of the treatment team members working with you.

  • Participate in decisions about your care including: Treatment(s) and test(s) with an explanation of their benefits /risks.

  • Receive care which is considerate and compassionate in a safe setting.

  • Have someone act for you. If you cannot act for yourself

DUTIES of the Patients are to:
  • Give correct and complete information.

  • Respect the hospital property and policies.

  • Respect the privacy and confidentiality of others, including patients, families, visitors, and staff.

  • Take part in planning for your transition to home or other facilities

  • Be active in your care, treatment, and discharge.

  • Inform the staff members of any safety issues noticed or concerns you may have.

  • Choose someone in advance to act for you, should the need arise.

  • Be on time for appointments and cancel/reschedule in advance.

  • Pay for services in a timely manner.

  • Treat hospital staff, other patients, and visitors with courtesy and respect.

This chapter was developed with valuable input from patients and stakeholders.